Our company begins its operations in August 2004 venturing into exports with the aim of offering the best service and quality products, committed to teamwork and continuous improvement of our processes.
Together with our suppliers we offer the best products in chili peppers, seeds and grains from the best cultivation valleys of our Peru.
The origin of our quality products, from the best productive valleys of Peru: Barranca, Caral, Casma, Arequipa, Junín, Chimbote, Huancayo, Huarmey, Ica and Cuzco.


We are a company dedicated to the export of agricultural products, which believes in its collaborators and in their development. We provide the best of our variety of products to achieve the satisfaction of our customers, meeting the standards of quality, safety, security, social and environmental responsibility.


Under the challenge of generating food that collaborates with healthy nutrition. We will be a benchmark in the food industry, always seeking to meet expectations; customer satisfaction and recognition. Arbayaza Export S.A.C. bet on the growth of the company; to position itself with the big companies that stand out in the market.

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